Your Guide to Chinese Domain Names 2016-02-29


A few notes about the list:

  • Numbers do not translate directly to Chinese characters. We use the term ‘translation’ loosely to refer to finding a meaningful Chinese phrase that rhymes with or sounds similar to a number (0-9) as pronounced in Mandarin. That means for a certain number, we may come up with a Chinese phrase that is different from the phrase another Chinese person may think of. While we have included one possible meaning for each number, multiple Chinese phrases are also possible for each number.
  • The rhyming technique is not an exact science, but more of a creative skill. In this chart, some number to Chinese character pairs are almost an exact match when pronounced (e.g., 99 to 久久), but some are a bit more of a stretch (e.g., 43 to 时尚). The key to a successful rhyme is when consumers can remember a domain name because of its translation. If so, then the translation has succeeded in its purpose.
  • This rhyming technique is not unique to the Chinese language. It can also apply to other languages, thus making numeric domain names very attractive for buyers all over the world. For example, the number 15 may translate to 要我 (want me) in Chinese and いちご (strawberry) in Japanese.
  • For simplicity, the chart in this blog post covers only numbers from 0 to 99 (and 00-09), and it provides only one Chinese phrase for each number.

These translations are based on understanding of the Chinese and English languages.

Without further ado, here is the chart:

0: 赢 (Win)
1: 医 (Medical)
2: 饿 (Hungry)
3: 山 (Mountain)
4: 试 (Try)
5: 武 (Force)
6: 遛 (Stroll)
7: 企 (Enterprise)
8: 吧 (Bar)
9: 酒 (Wine)

00: 赢赢 (Win win)
01: 赢易 (Easy win)
02: 赢爱 (Win love)
03: 赢商 (Win business)
04: 能事 (Skillful)
05: 你我 (You and I)
06: 赢了 (Won already)
07: 你去 (You go)
08: 你发 (You’ll be rich)
09: 赢久 (Win for a long time)

10: 要赢 (Want to win)
11: 易易 (Easy easy)
12: 要爱 (Want love)
13: 一生 (Whole life)
14: 一世 (Whole generation)
15: 要我 (Want me)
16: 要乐 (Want to have fun)
17: 一起 (Together)
18: 要发 (Want to be rich)
19: 要酒 (Want wine)

20: 爱赢 (Love to win)
21: 爱医 (Love doctor)
22: 爱爱 (Love love)
23: 爱商 (Love business)
24: 安世 (Peaceful life)
25: 爱我 (Love me)
26: 爱乐 (Love fun)
27: 爱妻 (Love wife)
28: 爱发 (Love to be rich)
29: 爱酒 (Love wine)

30: 想赢 (Want to win)
31: 生意 (Business)
32: 相爱 (Love each other)
33: 生生 (Alive alive)
34: 绅士 (Gentleman)
35: 商务 (Business affair)
36: 商路 (Trade route)
37: 商机 (Business opportunity)
38: 想法 (Idea)
39: 想走 (Want to leave)

40: 死赢 (Win to death)
41: 司仪 (Master of ceremonies)
42: 示爱 (Show love)
43: 时尚 (Fashion)
44: 世世 (Generation and generation)
45: 私物 (Personal belongings)
46: 丝路 (Silk road)
47: 世趣 (Interesting things in life)
48: 世霸 (Tyrant of the world)
49: 试酒 (Taste wine)

50: 我赢 (I win)
51: 唯一 (One and only)
52: 我爱 (I love)
53: 网商 (Net business)
54: 武士 (Warrior)
55: 舞舞 (Dance dance)
56: 物流 (Logistics)
57: 玩钱 (Play with money)
58: 我发 (I’ll be rich)
59: 我走 (I’ll leave)

60: 来赢 (Come and win)
61: 乐游 (Fun tour)
62: 领爱 (Receive love)
63: 乐商 (Fun business)
64: 乐世 (A generation of fun)
65: 乐玩 (Fun in play)
66: 乐乐 (Fun, fun)
67: 乐趣 (Delight)
68: 又发 (Make a fortune again)
69: 乐酒 (Happy in drinking wine)

70: 麒麟 (Kirin)
71: 奇艺 (Fantastic skills)
72: 亲爱 (Beloved)
73: 情深 (Deep love)
74: 奇事 (Strange event)
75: 亲我 (Kiss me)
76: 喜乐 (Joy)
77: 钱钱 (Money, money)
78: 去发 (Go and become rich)
79: 千军 (A thousand soldiers)

80: 抱你 (Hug you)
81: 翻译 (Translate)
82: 不饿 (Not hungry)
83: 拜山 (Sweep the graves of ancestors)
84: 发誓 (Swear)
85: 帮我 (Help me)
86: 百乐 (A hundred types of fun)
87: 百艺 (A hundred skills)
88: 发发 (Becoming ‘double’ rich)
89: 伴酒 (A drinking companion)

90: 久赢 (Win for a long time)
91: 就医 (Seek medical advice)
92: 旧爱 (Old love)
93: 酒商 (Wine merchant)
94: 酒師 (Sommelier)
95: 购物 (Shopping)
96: 酒乐 (Happy in drinking wine)
97: 酒趣 (Delight in drinking wine)
98: 酒吧 (Drinking bar)
99: 久久 (A very long time)​

Thx to Kassey Lee, namepros member.

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