Domain Name for sale

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Skadar (alb. Shkodër ili Shkodra, lat. Scodra, tur. İşkodra ili Arnavut İskenderiyesi, ita. Scutari) je grad na jugoistočnoj obali Skadarskog jezera
Skadar je jedan od najstarijih gradova Albanije, među drevnim naseljima bogatim istorijom.
Hotels in Skadar Lake

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  1. Lurfdorf

    Skadar lake! Great place, National park, wild beauty…in Montenegro and Albania! This domain name is very useful, buy it ! I would, but I have no nothing there, I just have been there! Maybe…I could…hm…:-)

    • Farid Gariya

      Lurfdorf – you meen “you wish” ? I think you are not from Great Britain, so it’s ok :-) I have been in Montenegro too, and I visited Skadar lake, it’s beautiful, amazing, wild… Nice nature in all of Montenegro!