Odličan domen, nevjerovatno dobar! Može poslužiti mnogo čemu, za neki portal o informatici, programerima, dizajnerima, itd itd… Mislim da se neće dugo zadržati ovdje !
I am very satisfied with this site, and admins. Working with them is very good. I am satisfied with our operations. I am pleased to recommend this site !!! If you find some domain name for you, take it !!!

Jenifer SmithExcellent domain! You ask your web something, you will get an answer so quickly !
I ask: “What’s up?”
Now, I’m serious, it’s really excellent domain!

MicmanOdličan domen, nevjerovatno dobar! Može poslužiti mnogo čemu, za neki portal o informatici, programerima, dizajnerima, itd itd… Mislim da se neće dugo zadržati ovdje !

Ned BosfordI am very satisfied with this site, and admins. Working with them is very good. I am satisfied with our operations. I am pleased to recommend this site !!! If you find some domain name for you, take it !!!

Jenifer SmithThis domain is not sold yet??? I work with sites, servers, and I’m looking for a good domain. I will find something here, I’m sure! Thanks admins!